Graham's birthday celebration was just short of that of, let's say, a sultan. He had three parties- one a playgroup with his baby buddies, and two family dinners, had two cakes, and cupcakes, a day at the children's museum, and countless generous gifts from family and friends. It was amazing.
It's a strange thing to survive your first year with your first child, at times wondering if the minutes in the middle of night (when youre holding a screaming baby) could tick away any more slowly, and then to watch them celebrate their 1st birthday. You other parents know what I'm saying. Suddenly you arrive at one and realize that you have seen a year of their life pass away, and though you are celebrating, it is bittersweet. How is that? Where did it go? A year gone by- countless diapers, and baths, and boo boos and you bear witness to it all. What a privilege to remember it- even when they won't. And how many birthday's will they have? A hundred or more? And you were there for the first. How awesome. It's a fantastic gift.
Happy Birthday Graham!! Ethan and Gracie are sending you cyber high fives!!!
Yay! We can't believe it's been a year either, time FLIES! We're so glad Graham had a excellent birthday, we miss you all so much! Kisses and hugs from Panama City!!!
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