Tuesday, September 29, 2009

He Keeps Us Running!

Graham's new kicks are really working for him. He usually wears crocks but he has been covering some serious ground lately, so we thought that some shoes with a bit more support might be called for. This little monkey's on the move!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mud Pie Anyone?

A mom should know better than to think that because a child is quiet they are occupied doing something constructive, so I suppose I should have been less surprised when I spotted Graham looking like this after I tried to work at the garden this morning with him there. I am not sure how much mud he got into his mouth, but there was plenty that made it to his face and strangely he wasn't hungry for lunch (just kidding).

Botanical Garden Fun

Today Graham and I enjoyed the Monarch butterfly exhibit at the Phoenix Botanical garden. Other than the butterflies, I think Graham's favorite thing was the cinnamon roll he got share with us. Oh well- plants aren't too exciting to kids.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Flossing-Graham Style

Graham gave me a little tutorial on flossing tonight. He's pretty good for a first-timer!

Feeding the Animals!!

Graham and I happened upon a new attraction today at the zoo- Giraffe Encounter! We got to feed the giraffes and Graham loved it!! I thought he might be scared because they were quite big!! We were up on a platform about ten feet above the ground and they were still this tall! However, he loved it. He just laughed and laughed and then got mad when he couldn't pet them.

The Terrible Twosome!

Graham and Ethan are up to their usual tricks- and some new ones! We did not come up with the idea of Ethan pulling Graham in the wagon. They invented that one completely on their own.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Loving the Fall Weather

Graham and I went to the park this morning- a sign that it is finally cooling down a couple of degrees here. It is falling below 90 degrees at night as well- a relief for us after all of the recent hot weather. Here's Graham enjoying some sculpture at the local Civic Center Mall.

Catching Up From Vacation

The day we returned from our week and a half vacation Graham begged to be removed from his crib after a nap, only to fall fast asleep for more than half an hour the moment I set him down- TV, dishwashing- he could not be awakened. I had to take this picture because it was so hysterical.

Graham Down on the Farm

Graham's Grammie took him to Frying Pan Park during our recent East Coast visit. Pigs, chickens- not a single thing interested Graham other than this tractor. Kids have a mind of their own- especially this one.

Graham and Mommie's Garden

Our Garden has come a long way in the time wince we got it in June. It had been inhabited by an older man who had trouble with upkeep. Now, it's been tilled, then I installed a rabbit fence, dug crop rows and did irrigation repairs...finally this past weekend put in seeds. Now- we wait! The first picture is our garden before anything was done, the second was after tilling with some rows, the third is our final product.

Graham and the Cupcakes

Graham helped his mom to celebrate her 30th birthday recently with the shortest restaurant dinner in history and a cupcake bonanza to follow. I think I could induce this child to read by 2 years with cupcakes.

Little Monkey

It's amazing what kids will do without you having any idea what they're capable of...

At the Chick-Fil-A play area the other week, Graham climbed up a two story spiral slide and jumped down a little Jacob's Ladder. Just 15 months old and already a little climbing monkey.